The Trust provider for artistic web3

Without Trust,
Art has no value.

Trust Flagger is the 1st web3 UX reader and anti-fraud Digital Art Solutions for Creators, Collectors, and Platforms. A really disruptive image-based Blockchain NFT search engine.
We have developed a major technological breakthrough in order to rebuild trust in the digital Art of web3.

Our solution simultaneously compares up to billions of NFTs to detect fakes, plagiarism, inspirations, instantly.

To identify a NFT from its artistic representation. To detect or avoid frauds... And many more direct use cases are made possible today.

All art works & artists have the right to being protected equally, not only the most famous

The Trust provider for artistic web3

Interested ? let’s stay in touch for more Trust.

Request a demo, stay informed of our development, be a privileged member of a unique community, don’t miss anything and be part of the more trusted web3 story!

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A service able to compare all digital art works from blockchains and designed for web3 growth  !

ART-CENTRIC : Art before data !

  • Forgery detection: counterfeit, plagiarism, inspiration...
  • Bridge from off-chain (image) to on-chain (NFT)
  • API-first in your Customer Journey

NO LIMIT : up to billions NFT !

  • New collections added daily
  • Life storage in our systems
  • History & retroactive treatment

& high performance

  • Detection of all similar NFTs
  • Instant restitution of all results
  • Ranking with a scale of proximity

SUSTAINABLE factually !

  • Light & low energy consuming infrastructures, thanks to innovation
  • Scalable service by design
  • Protection of all art works & artists, without distinction

Blockchain agnostic

Our clients: the trusted interfaces for end-users.

  • Become more responsible & more virtuous
  • Protect your community & revenues
  • Avoid minting, selling or displaying fake NFT
  • Remove fraudulent assets from your systems
  • Protect & engage your community
  • Comply with regulation (DSA)
  • Improve your impact
Service offered
  • A “Trust Score” indicating the maximal proximity detected with one / several NFTs registered in our databases
  • Return characteristics of all NFTs close to that score
  • Make better choice for your activity
  • Protect your art work from forgery
  • Value your assets
  • Limit the risk of counterfeit
  • Protect the value of your art work
  • Reassure your commununity
Service offered
  • Registration in our repository of image-based NFTs comparison
  • Your collection is compared by our platform customers for all their anti-fraud decisions (pre-mint & post-mint)
  • Be alerted in case of detection of art work similar to yours (post-mint)

Interested ? let’s stay in touch for more Trust.

Request a demo, stay informed of our development, be a privileged member of a unique community, don’t miss anything and be part of the more trusted web3 story!

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Our purpose

We are convinced that NFTs innovation will disrupt business industries in the coming years.
Forgery is imperceptible to the naked eye, yet might have dreadful impacts. Copies, plagiarism, inspiration, ... break trust & value of the whole ecosystem

Our convictions

All art creations & artists have the same right to be protected from forgery, not only the most famous or valuable.

Fraud in digital art takes root into the lack of convergence between the representation of the art work (off-chain) and its NFT metadata (on-chain).

The coming development of web3 would require anti-fraud solutions that are at the same time scalable, sustainable and compliant with regulations. And conventional AI technologies are too limited to address these stakes.

Our mission

Rebuild trust in digital Art.

Our vision

To fully meet all those needs, we have created Trust Flagger, an innovating & responsible solution that suits the ambitions of web3.

Our co-funders are both passionate & experts cumulating 30 years in Data services & Architecture, IA & Blockchain.

Alexandre Dos Santos CTO

Data Architect
,ML engineer,
Data Scientist,
Developer full-stack

Grégoire Horel

Consultant digital & data transformation, blockchain,
COO start-up,
Enterprise Architect
Crypto investor & NFT holder


Interested ? let’s stay in touch for more Trust.

Request a demo, stay informed of our development, be a privileged member of a unique community, don’t miss anything and be part of the more trusted web3 story!

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